Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Good Riddence 2008
So here is to 2009 may it be a hellva lot better then 2008!
Wanted: Pepto....

Here I am at lets say... 2:30ish... I don't know the right time... But I'm feeling sick, and scared out of my mind... I woke up with a tummy ache, and now I'm wishing there was a knight in shinning armor, who by chance could bring me some pepto... My tummy hurts, and I can't sleep... and the wind is blowing like crazy, making me scared because of all the noises... Ugh, I just want to be curled up in my nice toasty bed, sleeping.... But no, not this one, I'm up feeling sick to my stomach blogging... What I would right now for some yummy tasting pepto... Hopefully Ashlee isn't at home feeling the same way I do right now... We ate the samething last night... And if she is at home right now getting sick, that would make 2 holidays for her and I being sick... Last one was Valentines day... Don't even get me started on that one... Lets just say both of us no longer eat at Quiznos... I can't even stand the smell of it... I want sleep! and Pepto! Maybe I'll get one before the night is over... Here is to hoping!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Drinking... Blogging??
All in all it was a good night... Except for the part when I had to drive.. Ashlee drunk dialed people.. Off my phone... Ben got the 3rd degree, or at least a little degree from Marti..
Driving home not good.. Ashlee texted me in the car and said your drunk.. I seen your eyes, you okay to drive? Her and I are usually each others eyes when we have been drinking.. Opps! We need to be more careful..
Now I'm left to blog.. BUT I made it home okay ::)
One Last Christmas Pict for now!

This year for Christmas, my sisters and I decided that we were going to get pictures taken for our mom.. The last time we did this, Heather still lived with her ex, and I was in the 9th grade.. And now I'm 24.. It was totally time for an update! I had fun, we made the photographer laugh so hard because of our poses.. What can I say.. We are a hot bunch! My favorite picture was of Brea in the sleigh, and all of us pushing her!
DD Time!

That was a GREAT night... :)
My Broke Christmas

That is a picture of my Christmas tree... Yes my christmas tree... You have to watch out for that tree... It just soaks up the water! And those pine needles.. They are a hazard... I had to vacuum all the time!
Christmas this year didn't seem like Christmas... I was hoping to get a Christmas tree, but it is hard being single, and on your own.. It isn't like I can load a tree by myself, not to mention get it all set up on my own... Oh well... Next year will be better! I will make some one come with me to get a tree!
I spent Christmas Eve kinda sad at first because I didn't have anyone to spend it with... I went over to my real Dad house, since this year he was going over to a friends house to spend Christmas and get drunk. Nice. Oh well.. It made me have one less stop on Christmas. I got Mellina a pet egg thingy, Dad slippers, and Mac a bath toy. I didn't stay long... the roads were bad.
I went home and decided that I was going to start my own Christmas Eve tradition. My new tradition is now to be, breakfast for dinner, then watching Polar Express, the movie, and drinking home made coco.
The best home made hot coco recipe:
Equal amount of milk to whipping cream, add salt, and sugar (about a quarter cup to every cup, cup and half). Heat on the stove top, do not let boil. When it gets hot enough, for you or starts to steam add chocolate (chopped), about 4 oz for every cup. I like to use a mixture of semi sweet chocolate, and white chocolate. It gives it an extra creamy taste!
I woke up on Christmas to texts and calls wishing me a Merry Christmas... Being the odd ball that I am I tell everyone Happy Christmas... Ashlee told me she is American and there for wished me a Merry Christmas!
Breanna came down, and we cooked breakfast, then went to Johns house and hung out there, then we went to Heather's Mother in law house and ate ham.. Yes, I ate ham and played Wii. I have Maddy a Tinker Bell dress up outfit, Heather a couple signs that she can hang up at her house, they say Angles Gather Here and Warm Winter Wishes, Justin got a Sea Hawks chair.. Which he absolutly loved! Breanna got a Mickey Tie Blanket.. Her old Mickey Blanket had seen better days... Ashley got a Cook Book. Thankfully everyone liked there presents.. Justin gave me a great complement, asking me where do I get my ideas for gifts because I got everyone a great gift that they needed/really liked...
Well this year, I had to think really hard as to what to get anyone... I didn't have a lot of money, but everyone really enjoyed everything.. So for that I am thankful!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Another Dissapointing part
1. I haven't really dated anyone is over a year... And that I haven't really had a boyfriend that stands beside me. They guys I have dated have followed me around like a little puppy.
How do you tell someone who has been married to my Aunt for about 35 years (give or take a few years), that your not single by choice, your waiting for just the right one to show you that they are not like the rest. Because so far, they are like the rest.
I'm not proud of the fact that I'm single, expecially this time of year... it would be fun to have someone around, to play in the snow with, drink hot coco or curl up under a blanket and watch a movie, someone to keep me warm.
I get tired of the games that the guys play... I'll be honest with you, if you are with me. Its simple. You ask me what I'm thinking, I'll tell you, if you tell me. I don't want to be the only one putting myself out there. We've all been hurt, yes. You learn and move on, hoping that the next one will end up better. Slower is better, jumping head first into something always leads to heart break.
I'd like to think I'm not like the rest, so for once, why can't someone show me.
I'm old!
I woke up the next morning still.drunk.
Saturday was the actual day of my birthday, I got texted all day long telling me happy birthday, thank you to all! I went to the family get together, where my sisters sang me happy birthday, with the cake I made, it made me want to tear up... I wasn't going to tell anyone it was my birthday because everyone was there to celebrate christmas, and JJ's birthday... So it was a nice little surprise!
We actually got a lot of snow that day, which was beautiful! Ashlee went out of her way for my birthday.. People were actually supposed to come over and play games and drink, but the roads were to bad, and no one wanted to venture out. On my way out to Ashlees, the snow was coming down pretty good, it was clumping on the wippers, making it difficult to see.. Not wanting to pull over in the dark, I decide to hit the windsheld to try and unclump the snow....
Not knowing my own "strenght" the windsheld is now broken, and is getting replaced tomorrow.
Ashlee made an awesomely good 7 layer bean dip, and very rich cake, pizza, she even got JalapeƱo for the cheese pizza, and two bottles of wine! We hung out, and watched Momma Mia.. Brandon said sorry my birthday sucked so bad, but hey, they all can't be great! A big THANK YOU to Ashlee for doing all that great stuff for me!
There were a couple of dissapointments. My Dad being one of those, he didn't call me again. He didn't even remember... I of course had to call him and ask him if he remember what today was... it took him about 10 minutes to even remember that is was my birthday. Is it too much to ask for, all I want it a phone call on my birthday from him.. Just something that shows he cares.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Question time...
2. Favorite food? I love me some good mash potatoes!
3. What high school did you attend? Auburn High baby! Go Condoms.. I mean Trojans!
4. What is your favorite color? I would have to say Green.. BUT it can change from day to day!
5. Who is your celebrity crush? I really don't have one... When I was a kid, JTT
6. Favorite drink? This one white wine from the Great Grape Adventure!
7. Dream vacation? Rome!
8. Favorite dessert? Ice cream... Cookies N Cream... How I love thee!
9. What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be me.... But stable.
10. What do you love most in life? My sisters.. And the friends that have become another part of my family...
11. One word to describe you? Cooky...
Friday, December 12, 2008
I'm not perfect, nor do I try to be but I am the very best verision of me. I do random things, all the time.. but that is what makes me, well me... My imperfections, are are not big... Sure I'm a horriable speller, can't really hear, make up my own words to just about every song there is.... (Buckle, Buckle, Plower) I snor... I visit drool school... get ink pen all over me.. I'll never fit into a perfect little box.. Nor do I ever want to. I'll always be a kid at heart, that is what makes life fun.
It is the little stuff in life that I treasure more then the material things.
I always try and take things for what they are... but sometimes I catch myself trying reading between the lines. When really, there is most likely nothing to read. Or see.
I'd do anything for my friends and family... They all know that, they can count on me... I'm not good at opening up, but if I trust you, I'll tell you almost anything...
I hate being put on the spot, I try to avoid it. Sometimes you just want to say whats on your mind, other times it is easier if you say something totally off the wall, to aviod what your really thinking... If it was a crime, I'd be spending life behind bars! haha...