Friday, April 3, 2009

Good thing about having a Studio??

It takes no time at all to clean...
Seriously the longest part is cleaning the bathroom!

It is Friday night and I'm blogging.
Why may you ask,
I have a lot on my mind.

Ben is coming home, and well I want to make sure everything in perfect.
Cleaning the Studio,
Cleaning the jeep
(lets face it.. the last person to wash it was Zach... BACK IN AUGUST)
I need to go shopping, I want to find something perfect to ware...
I have an idea, but I don't know where to start...
Shopping buddy is needed for this, the only problem is trying to find someone who can go the hours that I work..
Seriously... My schedule is flipn stupid.

Plus I have a surprise for him to.
I started getting pieces of it ready tonight.
I'd tell everyone what it is, but see...
The Mister reads this...

I'll take a picture the night he is on the plane.. that way I know he can't figure out, or see it!
It is a super good idea too!

I have been so stuffy lately..
I get so tired of it, my nose runs like a facet.
So.. what do I do?
This isn't pretty, but I don't care.. I stick tissue up my nose, because it gets so raw from blowing it that I can't handle it.
Oh well.. Can't look hot all the time!

Guess who I'm gonna see in concert!

That would so be NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK!
I have loved them since I was little *swoon*
I missed them the last time they were in town, in November.
A friend came home from the army, and lets just say got a little toooo dunk.
So this time around, I'm keeping my promise to my sister and we are going!
Along with Amanda, and one of her coworkers!
All I can say is...
Oh, oh, ooohh, the right stuff!
I might need to brush up on my NKOTB..