Thursday, January 15, 2009

Who's Tired?

That would be me.. I got up early this morning and went to breakfast with Ashlee... And now because of a very unhealthy breakfast, (eggs Benedict)(with masive amount to potatoes) I want to curl up and go back to bed! I can't stop yawning.. Grrrrr! She woke me up in mid dream, don't remember what I was dreaming about, but I know, or at least I think it was good!

So for the last two weeks, I have worked out at least 3-4 times a week. And every time this week, almost all of the damn machines are taken... These people and their new years resolutions, half of them are going to quit by Valentines day.. They take up the tread mill and walk... at a slow pace... even a granny, in a walker could go faster then them! Seriously... if walking is all you want to do, PLEASE, go be a mall walker.. you can window shop, weave in and out of people like an obstcal course... Just get off the darn machines! If I wasn't so afraid of the dark, I'd be outside running... But since I am, I'm stuck waiting for you to get finished "working" out.

If you can't tell.. I'm a little grummy... And tired... and sick of my boss... grrrrr. Maybe I'll get off work earlier and go and work out... And maybe slow ass people will not be there yet....


Day said...

Dude, you better go work out! Eggs Benedict! JK. You'll be fine. And next time, just punch one of those slow @$$ walkers off the treadmill!

Irish Girl said...

I HATE slow ass people on the treadmill. Next time go punch them in the ass and give them a charlie-horse. That'll get them off! =D